Hurricane Prep: How Retailers can Support Customers and Increase Sales

June 6, 2024
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Are you ready for hurricane season? June 1 marked the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season. This year, experts predict a “hyperactive” season. In fact, researchers at Colorado State University forecasted that we will have 23 named storms, 11 hurricanes and five major hurricanes. Naturally, this is alarming for residents of states surrounded by water – like Florida –...

5 Critical Insights Data Gives Food Manufacturers Selling to Retailers

July 31, 2023
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In Part 1 of our “Data-Driven Selling” blog post series, we outlined why it’s so important for manufacturers to have food industry data analytics in 2023. In this post, we drill down to highlight specific key data available to food manufacturers selling to retailers. More importantly, our Director of Perishable Sales and Business Development, Erin McCulloch-Crume, shares how these critical...

Food Packaging Challenges & How Manufacturers Are Overcoming Them

January 16, 2023
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Most food manufacturers consistently worry about labor, pricing and production. But, a sometimes overlooked element to delivering product to retailers on time is packaging. Many factors can impact whether a manufacturer fills an order or shorts a retailer, including packaging issues. Thankfully, with enough planning, strategy and creativity, manufacturers can avoid many of the top retail food packaging challenges. Top...

How Effective Food Brokers Handle High-Inflation Periods

November 10, 2022
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At the end of August, grocery price inflation hit a 43-year high, with U.S. retail food price inflation up 13.5 percent year over year. Consumers are feeling the pinch, while manufacturers and retailers struggle to keep supply chains moving. Thankfully, a good retail food broker can help manufacturer clients and retail partners navigate these pricing increases. Everything from extreme weather...

3 Reminders for the Retail Food Industry from Hurricane Ian

October 27, 2022
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In late September, Hurricane Ian caused catastrophic damage and power outages in many markets after it made landfall in Florida. Breakdowns in the supply chain led to empty grocery store shelves throughout the state, especially in the most at-risk and affected regions. This storm reminded us why every Southeast grocery broker, retailer and manufacturer must always be prepared for record-breaking...

5 Things Food Manufacturers Can Do to Prevent Shortages

September 1, 2022
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Food supply chain issues are still causing challenges for food manufacturers and retailers. This is resulting in shortages on orders and empty grocery store shelves for many products. But, there are several things food manufacturers can do to avoid shortages. In this post, Bay Food’s Director of Deli & Emerging Business Erin McCulloch-Crume shares helpful tips for manufacturers. Be proactive...

Introducing Erin McCulloch-Crume, Our New Director of Deli & Emerging Business

September 27, 2021
Featured image for Introducing Erin McCulloch-Crume, Our New Director of Deli & Emerging Business
Bay Food Brokerage is excited to introduce our new Director of Deli & Emerging Business, Erin McCulloch-Crume! A highly educated food industry professional, Erin joins our food brokerage company with more than 15 years’ experience in manufacturing, sales, marketing and product management. In her new role, Erin will focus on continuing to grow the perishable side of the brokerage business...